Located in Central Illinois
Field is located 10 miles south of Bloomington, IL near Funks Grove. See
map for details.
Miles to Field: |
Bloomington-Normal | 10 | |
Champaign | 56 |
Decatur | 60 | |
Lincoln | 20 |
Peoria | 50 | |
Pontiac | 50 |
Springfield | 50 | |
See the map |
From the north: Take I-55 to Shirley Exit #154, go west to old US 66
(Frontage Rd.). Left turn on Frontage Rd. about 4.3 mi. to Funks Grove.
Go west over RR tracks on County Hwy 36 for about 300 ft. Turn left
at bend in County Road onto 800E, follow road to field. Watch for signs.